Salt Lake City DUI Lawyer | The eternal question: how much will a DUI in Salt Lake City, Utah cost me?

In this post I’m going to discuss the eternal question: how much your DUI is going to cost you. I will be discussing the cost of fines and surcharges only. I just want to let all of you price shoppers out there know that you won’t see anything about how much any Salt Lake City DUI attorney will charge you for a DUI.  I’m not going to give you this information for two reasons. First, DUI lawyer’s fees vary widely depending on the DUI lawyer, and second they vary widely depending on the facts of your case. It’s just too complicated to include in this post. But as always, call a Salt Lake City DUI Attorney if you are charged with a DUI. My number is (801) 200-3795. I’m available 24/7…literally, you can call anytime.  And I give free initial consultations.

Before I get started, some food for thought: if you followed your Salt Lake City DUI lawyer‘s suggestions about what to do when you get pulled over, then the cost of an attorney, as well as the probability of success will be much, much, much more favorable. Now on to the meat:

Fines and Fees

Let’s assume that your DUI is a first offense, and that it doesn’t involve any “aggravating” factors such as you being under 21, causing an injury, having a minor passenger, etc.  All of those things contribute to stiffer fines and penalties.  Assuming your “basic” DUI in Salt Lake City (or anywhere else in Utah), you’re looking at a Class B Misdemeanor with total fines and fees over $2,000:

  • A total fine of about $1,400 which consists of a $700 minimum fine plus a surcharge.
  • A $330 Impound fee for your car, there can also be additional fees and taxes added to this fee.
  • $250-$450 in processing and tuition fees for DUI education courses that you will have to take.

Opportunity Costs

Now, I’ll be honest with you, I don’t exactly get excited about spending $2,000 dollars out of the blue.  But its not the worst thing in the world.  If you stopped reading here, you might think, “well a DUI is not the end of the world.”  You might even think, gasp, “I probably don’t even need a lawyer for this.”

The real costs of a DUI are not the actual fines.  They come in the form of what I’d call “opportunity costs”.  For instance, there is mandatory jail time (at least 2 days) and driver’s license suspensions (4 months).  This could cost you a lot of money in terms of missed work.  There’s also the extra money that your car insurance will cost you.  And, maybe worst of all, the cost of that black mark on your record when it comes to getting a job, applying for any kind of professional license, etc.

It’s tough to calculate these costs, they all depend on individual situations.  But it’s more than fair to say they will cost you well over $2,000 in the long run.  If you count the lawyer’s fees (assuming you’re smart and you choose to hire a Salt Lake City DUI lawyer), most people will say that a first time DUI will end up costing you $10,000-$20,000.

Personally, I would suggest that you look at a DUI lawyer’s fees as an investment.  That may sound like a biased opinion, but it’s a simple truth that defendants who are represented by DUI attorneys are more likely to end up with lower fines, lesser jail time, or plea bargains to lesser offenses that do not carry the stigma of a DUI.  And, of course, there’s always the possibility that your Salt Lake City DUI Lawyer can get the charges dismissed, or get you acquitted!

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